Saturday 20 March 2010

New Widget

I've just added a new widget to the side of my blog. I wish I had more time for reading, I've always been a prolific reader but it's not so easy when you've got children running around and if I read at night I tend to fall asleep. I do try to make the time to continue reading though and my favourites list is bound to grow. At the moment I'm stuck in a fantasy Vampire, Werewolf, Ghost type world of fiction. I've been reading Kelley Armstrong books for ages and I just love her Otherworld stories and characters. I think the werewolves are my favourite but I do have a soft spot for the necromancer Jaime Vagas. She writes a really good storyline with just enough scary stuff not to give you nightmares but thankful that you don't live in that 'otherworld.'

I think I was bullied into reading the Twilight series. I knew before I started that it was aimed at a much younger audience but I decided to take the plunge anyway. To be honest the main character, Bella Swan, really grates on me, she is way too emotional, but to give her a break, she is just a hormonal teenager. The rest of the characters are a little more likeable and I have to say Jacob Black is my favourite (what is it with me and werewolves, I don't even like dogs?) Once they get going the stories have some grit to them and I like the climatic endings. Pity the rest of the story couldn't be so intriguing instead of romantic slush. I'm ready to read the last book in the series now so wish me luck.

The third item on my current list (I say current because I'm sure to add more very soon,) is Heavy Rain for the PS3. I haven't even played it but I've watched it being played and it's one of the best games I've ever seen. The graphics are pretty fantastic and I love games where you have to work out what to do. Hey, it's 100 times more interesting to watch than Fifa10. (Or real life football in my opinion.)

So there you go, a new widget for my favourite books & games, and a bit of distraction from that thing we call real life for a change.

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